Greetings, fans of the cake pan lady.
22 years ago at age 45, I left my career as hairstylist to create the cake pan lady brand. I'm blessed to have produced thousands of personalized cake pans over these years and have enjoyed creating every one. I have you, our loyal customers, to thank for that.
Creating a business from the ground up without a recipe (baker's humor...) has been a stimulating ride to say the least. Thank you SO MUCH for your support, ideas and patronage. Though I still love it, I've come to understand that the cake pan lady needs an update - some youthful energy to propel and support today's growing community of home bakers. With that said, we are happy to announce that our dear friend Jody Lindner is going to pick up the torch and keep the cake pan lady legacy growing. We will spend the next year transitioning over but effective immediately, you will be seeing Jody taking on the day to day operations. She has been in the cake pan lady world since almost the beginning and is extremely well qualified to take the reins. Her energy, passion and enthusiasm is so exciting. Mr. cake pan lady (Mike The Shipping Guy) and I will be available to support and encourage her as she shapes the future of the cake pan lady. A bit about Jody. She lives in Farmington, MN (so we are still keeping it "local") and has two older boys Jory and Jaden. And like myself, Jody is an avid quilter. She is very excited to come on board and provide you the same excellent product and customer service you have come to expect from the cake pan lady. Jody has already been hard at work setting up an Instagram account and posting regularly to our Facebook page. Head on over and give us a "like" and say hello to Jody. There will be a monthly blog post coming to your inboxes in the near future and Jody is already busy creating some exciting new designs. So, please join us in welcoming the new and improved face of "the cake pan lady", our dear friend Jody. Also, rest assured, there will be no interruption in production, so if you have any special occasions coming up, head on over to the website. Jody is ready to assist you.
Mary and Mike
Mr. and Mrs. cake pan lady